A lewis dot structure are a way to indicate the number of valence electron around an atom. A valence electron occupys the highest energy level in an element. There are only a maximum of 8 valence electrons in an element.
1. First, you will write out the symbol of the element you need to draw. For example: O(oxygen).
2. You find how many valence electrons in oxygen. You determine how many valence electrons in an element by counting from left to right on the periodic table, there are 8 element categories: Alkali metals,Alkali earth metals,Transition metals,Metaloids,Nonmetals, Halogens, and Noble gases. You will not count the transition metals in the middle of the periodic table. So oxygen will have 6 electrons.
3. Then you draw 1 valence electron at each side of the oxygen symbol.
4. And continue to pair up the electrons until you have 6 electrons.