Friday, April 23, 2010


The assembly was pretty interesting, it shows that different nationality has their different culture. I liked the naked guys dancing, it was pretty funny. The only bad thing is that the music was amazingly loud, it hurts my ears. Also when we get out of the assembly my eyes always hurts because of the sun.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

a proposal to freeze a coke

Materials: a can of coke, a freezer, a cup, mittens.

Safety precautions:
  • have mittens so u wont burn yourself when u get the coke out of the freezer.
  • be careful to not spill the coke.
Scientific Principles:
  1. Liquid freeze at cold temperature.
  2. It freeze from liquid to solid.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

star testing

the start test was kinda easy and the biology only took me about 15 minutes on the last part of the test. so i slept for about an hour or more. but the more i sleep the more tiring i get and it was weird. well still the star test was ok and i dont think i did so well on my english part.