Friday, February 12, 2010

acids and bases

acids and bases are 2 opposite things and they react to each other to neutralize each other. These are their special traits.

1. taste bitter

2. are slimy to the touch

3. neutralize acids, forming salts

4. found in many cleaning solutions.

1. taste sour

2. react with active metals to produce H2.

3. reacts with carbonates to produce CO2.

4. neutalize bases, fomring salts.

5. found in many fruits and foods.

9 polyatomic ions

the 9 polyatomic ions are: Acetate, Ammonium, Carbonate, Cyanide, Hydroxide, Nitrate, Nitrite, sulfate, phosphate. I have to remember them and i bet it would take long so im reviewing it by typing it in the blog.


the pink packet teaches me about how the reactions goes n comebine, 4 of them are funny that makes me remember it. those are synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement.