Sunday, May 16, 2010

chem standard 2e-student know how to draw lewis dot structures

A lewis dot structure are a way to indicate the number of valence electron around an atom. A valence electron occupys the highest energy level in an element. There are only a maximum of 8 valence electrons in an element.

1. First, you will write out the symbol of the element you need to draw. For example: O(oxygen).
2. You find how many valence electrons in oxygen. You determine how many valence electrons in an element by counting from left to right on the periodic table, there are 8 element categories: Alkali metals,Alkali earth metals,Transition metals,Metaloids,Nonmetals, Halogens, and Noble gases. You will not count the transition metals in the middle of the periodic table. So oxygen will have 6 electrons.
3. Then you draw 1 valence electron at each side of the oxygen symbol.
4. And continue to pair up the electrons until you have 6 electrons.

Friday, May 14, 2010

min project 3

This project is about milk, food coloring, and soup. First you add milk in and then put food coloring on it, then add some soup onto the food coloring and the color will start to dissolve everywhere on the milk and will mix, you can also see the white milk on it.

mini project 2

This project is to create a reaction with baking soda and vinegar. For the bubbles to last longer you can add soup into the vinegar and then mix it with the baking soda.

chemistry mini project

This is a project about making play-doh with flour. First you heat up the water, then you pour in salt and flour over the hot plate. Then mix it and add some food coloring. Keep mixing it until it looks like play-doh.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

google map

View to mills creek canyon park in a larger map
This map is to show you how to get to Mills Creek Canyon Park. Our staring point will be at the front door of Mills High School, then we travel the route where the map shows. The park was fun.

Friday, April 23, 2010


The assembly was pretty interesting, it shows that different nationality has their different culture. I liked the naked guys dancing, it was pretty funny. The only bad thing is that the music was amazingly loud, it hurts my ears. Also when we get out of the assembly my eyes always hurts because of the sun.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

a proposal to freeze a coke

Materials: a can of coke, a freezer, a cup, mittens.

Safety precautions:
  • have mittens so u wont burn yourself when u get the coke out of the freezer.
  • be careful to not spill the coke.
Scientific Principles:
  1. Liquid freeze at cold temperature.
  2. It freeze from liquid to solid.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

star testing

the start test was kinda easy and the biology only took me about 15 minutes on the last part of the test. so i slept for about an hour or more. but the more i sleep the more tiring i get and it was weird. well still the star test was ok and i dont think i did so well on my english part.

Friday, March 26, 2010

David Webb

David Webb came to our class on Wednesday and showed us about the vacuum and pressure. I learned about that fluids are something that flows from high pressure to low pressure. Also saw the alarm clock's sound disappearing in a vacuum with no air.

open house

i went to the open house and i bought a book. It called the Diamond Age and it was pretty interesting. Its lucky that i got the book before summer so i can read it so i can do better in summer school.

Friday, March 19, 2010

energy test

the energy test was so hard and i cant seem to remember how to calculate and how to write the formula. so i just skipped the last question that is worth 20 points and i don't think i will be able to pass the test. at least i know about the pressure and temperature.

elephant toothpaste

When the bell was going to ring mr. olson showed us the reaction to make the elephant toothpaste. It was yellow and the reaction was really fast. It smelled like s*** and it was warm. but the catalyst made the reaction faster and is cool.

Friday, February 12, 2010

acids and bases

acids and bases are 2 opposite things and they react to each other to neutralize each other. These are their special traits.

1. taste bitter

2. are slimy to the touch

3. neutralize acids, forming salts

4. found in many cleaning solutions.

1. taste sour

2. react with active metals to produce H2.

3. reacts with carbonates to produce CO2.

4. neutalize bases, fomring salts.

5. found in many fruits and foods.

9 polyatomic ions

the 9 polyatomic ions are: Acetate, Ammonium, Carbonate, Cyanide, Hydroxide, Nitrate, Nitrite, sulfate, phosphate. I have to remember them and i bet it would take long so im reviewing it by typing it in the blog.


the pink packet teaches me about how the reactions goes n comebine, 4 of them are funny that makes me remember it. those are synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

career day

This year's career day is not too special, it was kinda the same like last years. I went to grahic design and other classes and i fell asleep so i guess it doesn't intrest me so much.

ph packet

i spend time on the ph packet but didnt finish it becuase there are a lot of thing i didnt get so i stoped halfway. then today i get to copy the ph packet and didnt need to turn it in so i guess i was lucky.

back to school

i missed the first week and had to make up a lot of work. there were so much work that i didnt even notice when i got the wrong kind of composition book. that deducted points n i hope the grade wont drop too much