Sunday, May 16, 2010

chem standard 2e-student know how to draw lewis dot structures

A lewis dot structure are a way to indicate the number of valence electron around an atom. A valence electron occupys the highest energy level in an element. There are only a maximum of 8 valence electrons in an element.

1. First, you will write out the symbol of the element you need to draw. For example: O(oxygen).
2. You find how many valence electrons in oxygen. You determine how many valence electrons in an element by counting from left to right on the periodic table, there are 8 element categories: Alkali metals,Alkali earth metals,Transition metals,Metaloids,Nonmetals, Halogens, and Noble gases. You will not count the transition metals in the middle of the periodic table. So oxygen will have 6 electrons.
3. Then you draw 1 valence electron at each side of the oxygen symbol.
4. And continue to pair up the electrons until you have 6 electrons.

Friday, May 14, 2010

min project 3

This project is about milk, food coloring, and soup. First you add milk in and then put food coloring on it, then add some soup onto the food coloring and the color will start to dissolve everywhere on the milk and will mix, you can also see the white milk on it.

mini project 2

This project is to create a reaction with baking soda and vinegar. For the bubbles to last longer you can add soup into the vinegar and then mix it with the baking soda.

chemistry mini project

This is a project about making play-doh with flour. First you heat up the water, then you pour in salt and flour over the hot plate. Then mix it and add some food coloring. Keep mixing it until it looks like play-doh.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

google map

View to mills creek canyon park in a larger map
This map is to show you how to get to Mills Creek Canyon Park. Our staring point will be at the front door of Mills High School, then we travel the route where the map shows. The park was fun.

Friday, April 23, 2010


The assembly was pretty interesting, it shows that different nationality has their different culture. I liked the naked guys dancing, it was pretty funny. The only bad thing is that the music was amazingly loud, it hurts my ears. Also when we get out of the assembly my eyes always hurts because of the sun.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

a proposal to freeze a coke

Materials: a can of coke, a freezer, a cup, mittens.

Safety precautions:
  • have mittens so u wont burn yourself when u get the coke out of the freezer.
  • be careful to not spill the coke.
Scientific Principles:
  1. Liquid freeze at cold temperature.
  2. It freeze from liquid to solid.